Put Your Trust in an Experienced UK Polygraph Association Examiner If you are looking for a polygraph examiner in the UK, it is important to choose one who is experienced and qualified. The UK Polygraph Association (UKPA) is the only professional body for polygraph examiners in the country, and members of the association are held to a […]
Bond Rees – Unfortunately due to the high costs involved both in time and expenditure there is always someone looking to circumvent this to become a Polygraph Examiner. Fortunately for the public there is the APA and the UKPA who provide a list of all qualified and experienced Examiners, there are over 4800 worldwide who have taken[…]
A convicted terrorist sent back to jail after failing lie detector test – one of the first carried out under new powers. Polygraph tests have been imposed on terrorists for the first time after the law changed in June last year. The groundbreaking checks have already been used in 14 cases – and led to one terrorist[…]