Another Fake Report from Polygraph Services Unfortunately, we have been made aware of a provider of fake polygraph reports, Polygraph Services. If you have been shown a report from Polygraph Services then unfortunately it’s a fake report as there is no such company. As always there are guilty people who are looking for false results. Are you […]
Featured UKPA Member – Jason Hubble of Lie Detectors UK Lie Detectors UK is proud to feature our valued member, Jason Hubble, as part of the UK Polygraph Association (UKPA). With over 10 years of experience conducting polygraph examinations for clients around the world, Jason has developed a reputation amongst both fellow professionals and customers alike as[…]
Put Your Trust in an Experienced UK Polygraph Association Examiner If you are looking for a polygraph examiner in the UK, it is important to choose one who is experienced and qualified. The UK Polygraph Association (UKPA) is the only professional body for polygraph examiners in the country, and members of the association are held to a[…]